
Showing posts from 2018

Sechskies 21st anniversary

Sechskies fanclub, celebrating 21st anniversary by donating wheelchairs 'Heartwarming' OSEN via Naver [+342, -13] It'd be great if this kind of culture more spreads out [+327, -13] They did such a good thing. The fans' mindset is amazing [+295, -13] Both the stars and the fans are the best! [+280, -13] This is so heartwarming [+266, -13] I don't really see a fandom who donated wheelchair ㅎㅎ Congratulations for the 21st anniversary! [+108, -6] I remember i watched Sechskies when they were in Love's Request back then ㅋ . I think they received some kind of appreciation because they were one of the best guest. Their fans are also heartwarming [+103, -4] I've seen an article about them donating bloods for childs who have cancer and now they even donated wheelchairs. It's like a standard procedure for them. It's really cool, i hope there will be more donations like this!!! I think it was during Eun Jiwon's fanmeet